As you may already know, I concluded my tenure at Ryerson University (renamed Toronto Metropolitan University - TMU) last year to explore other opportunities, place a greater focus on my health, and spend more time with my family. I’m very proud of what I accomplished at TMU; however, my next act has enabled me to share my “secret sauce” with other leaders and organizations … [Read more...]
Race Conscious Affirmative Action: Time Is Up
I have researched race-conscious policies in higher education for many years as it was central to my dissertation research 20 years ago. Learning of the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS)’s decision to strike down the use of race as a factor in admissions is no surprise. From the Clinton Administration to President Biden, this has been a long game. In 2003, Justice … [Read more...]
Bronzeville: The “Black Metropolis” and Harlem of Chicago
During the pandemic and lockdowns, I rediscovered Chicago and where I’m from. In Canada, people always ask you: “Where are you from?”. I would be a little salty because I felt I didn’t have a good answer. Of course, I would say: “I’m from the United States”, and most times “Chicago”, without having much knowledge of its Black history. However, when I had time on my hands … [Read more...]
Higher Education for the Public Good, Cultivating a Racially Diverse Democracy
Most educators would agree that diversity and democracy are universal principles that our higher education community and our public hold dear. However, a diverse democracy, emphasizing race and ethnicity, requires substantial advocacy and leadership to promote it as a legitimate public good. Long-standing debates pertaining to inequitable educational opportunities, mortality … [Read more...]
Promoting Disability As Diversity and Accessibility as an Institutional Priority
In the United States, legal challenges to race-conscious higher education policies have required that practitioners and researchers continue to focus on race/ethnicity to the exclusion of other diverse populations, including students with disabilities. In Canada, postsecondary institutions are not besieged with such challenges. On the contrary, instead of race/ethnicity, … [Read more...]