We recently ushered in a new level of engagement and stepped up the initiative we started with our #Diversity4US and #DiversityCAN Hashtag Diversity Chats, and introduced a new conversation in the digital Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) space: A #Diversity4US/#DiversityCAN Twitter Chat entitled “Twitter, Twitter Chats & the Diversity Professional: Leveraging … [Read more...]
Join Us for Our Inaugural #Diversity4US #DiversityCAN Live Twitter Chat
We’re ushering in a new level of engagement and stepping up the initiative we’ve started with our #Diversity4US and #DiversityCAN Hashtag Diversity Chats, and introducing a new conversation in the digital Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) space: A #Diversity4US/#DiversityCAN Twitter Chat entitled “Twitter, Twitter Chats & the Diversity Professional: … [Read more...]
EDI Tech Corner: A How-To Guide for Participating in a Twitter Chat
Through the EDI Tech Corner, we’ve shared the 10 Must-Have Diversity Resources on Twitter, and talked about the 4 Things You Should Know About Twitter as a Diversity Professional. Today, we’re ushering in a new level of engagement and stepping up the initiative we’ve started with our #Diversity4US and #DiversityCAN Hashtag Diversity Chats, and … [Read more...]
EDI Tech Corner: 10 Must-Have Diversity Resources on Twitter
In previous posts, we’ve talked about the 4 Things You Should Know About Twitter as a Diversity Professional, and introduced you to the concept of Hashtag Diversity Chats on the popular real-news social network. Today we’re sharing 10 Must-Have Diversity Resources on Twitter to help you better navigate the social space and follow the diversity-related … [Read more...]
Spike Lee’s “Do The Right Thing” and the Chief Diversity Officer (CDO)
This month is the 25th Anniversary of Spike Lee’s film Do the Right Thing. I remember seeing the film for the first and only time in 1989. The film portrayed tensions between the local residents and an Italian-American family in the Black neighborhood of Bedford-Stuyvesant in Brooklyn, on the hottest day of the summer. In a Rolling Stones interview, Lee … [Read more...]