With the tumultuous year of 2020 behind us, I’ve been reflecting on this idea of “a new normal”. A “new normal” commences when there’s been a paradigm shift, black swan event, or a significant life changing event that requires doing things differently. I had my own new normal experience when one of my children had an automobile accident that left him unable to walk and … [Read more...]
5 Tips for the Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) During Challenging Times
Four years ago (January 5, 2016) I did a post titled: “5 Tips for Inaugural Chief Diversity Officers (CDO) in Universities”. I was half way through my fourth year at Ryerson University as the inaugural, Assistant Vice President/Vice Provost of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). As such, my mandate was to provide leadership, advocacy, and coordination for the institution … [Read more...]
Through My Optics: Black Lives Matter (BLM) Chicago Protest Up Close Through Photos and Poetry
Poem Published Courtesy of Romel Bryant: Educator, Head Basketball Coach, Mentor & Founder of ICan2 Youth Programs, and Artist. In June 2020, Romel Bryant was running an errand and little did he know that he would find himself in the middle of a Black Lives Matter (BLM) protest, with little to no Black people. He uses poetry and photos to share his first hand experience. … [Read more...]
5 Ways of RESILIENCE to Support and Empower
It has been over two months since the murder and death of George Floyd, May 25, with the backdrop of a global pandemic and economic shutdown. And the destructive forces and realities of anti-Black racism are just as strong as ever. For Black, Indigenous, and Communities of Color, these forces and the endless fight against them are certainly nothing new. Some have been … [Read more...]
5 Ways to RESIST for Greater Self Empowerment and Agency
It has been over two months since the murder and death of George Floyd, May 25, with the backdrop of a global pandemic and economic shutdown. And the destructive forces and realities of anti-Black racism are just as strong as ever. For Black, Indigenous, and Communities of Color, these forces and the endless fight against them are certainly nothing new. Some have been … [Read more...]