The Division of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at Ryerson University presents the Soup & Substance Series, a series of noon hour moderated panel discussions held on the 7th Floor of Heaslip House at 297 Victoria Street. While enjoying a warm bowl of soup and refreshments, participants will engage panelists in an open conversation on a range of diversity related … [Read more...]
Chief Diversity Officers and Dr. Martin Luther King Day: Giving Voice to Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion
I've been living in Canada for over a year, and while things are beginning to feel normal for me, today feels somewhat strange. It's Martin Luther King Day and typically back home, in the States, my institution would have a day, week or even month long line up of activities and events to acknowledge Dr. Martin Luther King’s contributions to the nation, … [Read more...]
EDI Tech Corner: Understanding Social Media Marketing (Part 1)
They say "Facebook is for the people you used to know, LinkedIn is for the people you know now, and Twitter is for the people you want to know". The essence of this statement gives you an idea of how best to use these networks for Social Media Marketing. These seo reseller companies can help you to improve your site traffic and also your sales by using Search Engine … [Read more...]
Thanksgiving Day Canadian or American Style
Thanksgiving Day in the United States is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November. I have very fond childhood memories of Thanksgiving. Like most school kids, we learned about the Pilgrims and “Indians” coming together, giving thanks and celebrating the harvest. We would make little turkey cut outs, with paper feathers and pilgrims type … [Read more...]
Being Aboriginal@Ryerson, Part II: Soup and Substance Series
Join us Wednesday, November 27th for the Being Aboriginal@Ryerson, Part II Soup and Substance Series Session. In this session, students, staff and faculty will discuss their experiences in the mainstream post-secondary system and envision wholistic and inclusionary strategies for change for a second time. The Division of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at Ryerson … [Read more...]