In the United States, October 10 is Indigenous Peoples’ Day. As an educational leader, I learned about the American Indian Boarding Schools (pdf) and their impact; the Journey to Forgiveness and Healing Moment, and the Ziibiwing Center, where I learned even more about the past and current truths about boarding schools. When I moved to Canada and took on several leadership … [Read more...]
Presidents, CEOs and Executives: Avoid the Performative Trap and Be Truly Inclusive Leaders
Six years ago (March 22, 2016), I did a post titled “A Chief Diversity Officer’s (CDO’s) Message to University and College Presidents”. At that time, I was the inaugural Assistant Vice President/Vice Provost of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) at my university. After being in the role for a few years, I decided to share a message to postsecondary executives about EDI and … [Read more...]
5 Tips for the Chief Diversity Officer (CDO) During Challenging Times
Four years ago (January 5, 2016) I did a post titled: “5 Tips for Inaugural Chief Diversity Officers (CDO) in Universities”. I was half way through my fourth year at Ryerson University as the inaugural, Assistant Vice President/Vice Provost of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). As such, my mandate was to provide leadership, advocacy, and coordination for the institution … [Read more...]
Why Chief Diversity Officers (CDO) Need to Step Their Game Up
Seven years ago (January 29, 2013) I did a post titled: "What is as Chief Diversity Officer (CDO)?". I had been in my new post at Ryerson University for about five months as its inaugural, Assistant Vice President/Vice Provost of Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI). As such, my mandate was to provide leadership, advocacy, and coordination for the institution such that all … [Read more...]
Canada Versus the U.S.: The Varying Role of Diversity and CDOs Across Borders
In our new feature "In Case You Missed It (ICYMI): Institutional Diversity Spotlight", we'll highlight news and topics on equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) you may have missed. You'll receive a message like this, linked to a news article or blog post with information you need to stay informed as a valued member of our EDI community: Canada Versus the U.S.: The Varying … [Read more...]