In the race to integrate Artificial Intelligence (AI) across industries, we're unwittingly constructing a digital landscape fraught with hidden pitfalls that threaten the very fabric of equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in our society. As AI systems become increasingly ubiquitous in decision-making processes, from healthcare diagnostics to hiring practices, they carry … [Read more...]
AI & EDI: What’s on the Horizon? How Artificial Intelligence Can Enhance Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) Initiatives in the U.S. and Canada
AI and its technologies can be powerful tools for advancing equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) initiatives in the United States and Canada. Before we move into that discussion, let’s start with some basic definitions: In a nutshell, “Artificial Intelligence” (AI) refers to the simulation of human intelligence in machines and systems that are programmed to think and learn … [Read more...]
EDI Tech Corner: 7 Questions You Have About Artificial Intelligence (But Are Afraid To Ask)
By Kindra Cotton of SSS for Success / Simplified Cybersecurity Solutions* (Republished with permission; some links and image may be added by the Institutional Diversity Blog) 7 Questions You Have About Artificial Intelligence (But Are Afraid To Ask) “AI” or Artificial Intelligence are the buzz words encapsulating every industry in ways most people don’t understand, though … [Read more...]
Bronzeville: The “Black Metropolis” and Harlem of Chicago
During the pandemic and lockdowns, I rediscovered Chicago and where I’m from. In Canada, people always ask you: “Where are you from?”. I would be a little salty because I felt I didn’t have a good answer. Of course, I would say: “I’m from the United States”, and most times “Chicago”, without having much knowledge of its Black history. However, when I had time on my hands … [Read more...]
Through My Optics: Black Lives Matter (BLM) Chicago Protest Up Close Through Photos and Poetry
Poem Published Courtesy of Romel Bryant: Educator, Head Basketball Coach, Mentor & Founder of ICan2 Youth Programs, and Artist. In June 2020, Romel Bryant was running an errand and little did he know that he would find himself in the middle of a Black Lives Matter (BLM) protest, with little to no Black people. He uses poetry and photos to share his first hand experience. … [Read more...]